“Adsorption” in geology, refers to the attraction and adhesion of the ions or molecules of a solution, onto the surface of a solid.
“Adsorption” in geology, refers to the attraction and adhesion of the ions or molecules of a solution, onto the surface of a solid.
Gravel Blanket in Methane Mitigation A gravel blanket is a 2-inch or 4-inch thick layer of gravel, sand, or approved material that transmits methane soil gas to the horizontal sub-slab perforated pipes and verticle vent riser of a passive methane mitigation system.
Atmosphere Atmosphere: The atmosphere of a terrestrial planet is an outermost series of layers that comprises gaseous phase elements within part of the planet’s gravitational field. For instance, the Earth’s atmosphere exists in the air spaces that are approximately 95 kilometers above the ground surface. And within it, are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere….
Degree of Saturation (SR) “Degree of Saturation” (SR) is an engineering geology term and refers to the ratio of the volume of water to the total volume of void space. The Degree of Saturation or SR-value ranges from 0% to 100% (0% being completely dry, and 100% being fully saturated). Degree of Saturation Formula Degree…
Hydrogen Sulfide Soil Gas (In Natural Gas) Hydrogen Sulfide: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) soil gas geologically occurs upon the thermal and microbial decomposition of subsurface organic material deposits. It is typically identifiable in biogenic and petrogenic natural gas sources, along with higher concentrations of methane soil gas. Additionally, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, ethane, and isobutane exist within natural…
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Volatile Organic Compounds are toxic organic chemicals with higher tendencies to change from liquid to vapor phase under typical earth pressures and temperatures, and usually have little-to-no water solubility characteristics. VOCs are commonly found within hydrocarbon-based fuel additives, industrial solvents, refrigerants, hydraulic fluids, degreasers, and more. These…
Hardpan (Caliche) “Hardpan” is a highly dense and solid layer of soil near the ground surface, which is usually comprised of clay or silty-clay soils. Hardpan forms by cementation over time, during the process of precipitation of insoluble substances such as calcium carbonates, silica, iron oxides, and other organic matter. “Hardpan” is a term mostly…