Runoff (R)
The term “Runoff” (R) in hydrogeology and geology refers to the part of rainfall which accumulates on the ground surface and naturally forms into flowing streams.
The term “Runoff” (R) in hydrogeology and geology refers to the part of rainfall which accumulates on the ground surface and naturally forms into flowing streams.
Wing Dam or Wing Dike A “Wing Dam” or “Wing Dike” refers to a dam that intentionally retains a fraction of the width of a flowing water source. Unlike a conventional dam, a wind dam aims to divert the path of water flow. Additionally, a wing dike can control the velocity of water flow. For…
Dry Strength “Dry Strength” is a value that represents the strength of a soil sample, when dry, as determined by the crushing test. There is a common geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure for determining the cohesiveness or plasticity of a sample with organic or inorganic clays and silts.
“Toe” of a Slope Definition The “toe” of a slope is essentially the bottom, or baseline section, of the soil mass comprising the slope. It is also defined as the outermost margin of displaced material during a landslide. The toe of a slope is farthest away from the head scarp.
Waterproofing Barrier System Definition A waterproofing barrier system guarantees full protection to walls, foundations, and methane mitigation systems that are below grade and are susceptible to moisture penetration. Typically, the best way to protect a retaining wall against moisture is the application of a waterproofing barrier on the backside of it, after pouring concrete, but…
Zoning Mineralogy Definition Zoning is a variation of crystal composition that is a characteristic of feldspars. To illustrate, the center of a feldspar mineral is formed by a high-temperature phase, whereas the exterior is formed by a low-temperature phase.
Geosyncline Geosyncline: In geology, a geosyncline is a large-scale indentation in the Earth’s crust that is filled with sediments. A geosyncline forms due to the gradual sinking of the Earth’s crust, causing sediment from adjacent areas to gather inside. An example of a geosyncline is the Appalachian Mountains.