Moment Magnitude (M)
Moment Magnitude (M): In the seismology branch of geology, moment magnitude is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate by using the Seismic Moment.
Moment Magnitude (M): In the seismology branch of geology, moment magnitude is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate by using the Seismic Moment.
Mineraloid Definition The term “mineraloid” refers to a natural earth substance that appears to be similar to a genuine mineral, although lacks any form of internal structure and crystal form. Nonetheless, a mineraloid does comprise true minerals within it. For instance, Fire Opal and Blue Opal are not minerals because they are amorphous (do not…
Tsunami Tsunami: In the seismology branch of geology, a tsunami is an oceanic wave (gravitational) that is produced by seismic activity on the ocean floor. Common triggers of tsunamis are large-scale short duration earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or other submarine earth movements such as subsidence and slope failure.
Environmental Law Environmental Law refers to the various categories of law that are put in place to protect the quality and condition of the earth and the environment. This sect of law aims to protect the well being of people and to preserve the earth’s natural resources, reserves, and wildlife. In fact, environmental laws apply…
Potentiometric Surface The term “Potentiometric Surface” means the hydrogeological surface that represents the total hydraulic head of groundwater from a confined aquifer or semi-confined aquifer that’s under pressure. The Potentiometric Surface of an aquifer is defined by the level to which water will rise in a groundwater monitoring well (that’s exclusively screened within said aquifer).
Rock Stratigraphic Unit In the field of geology, a rock stratigraphic unit, or a lithostratigraphic unit, is a geologic formation that is identifiable by a specific lithology, as well as a consistent stratigraphic position. For example, the Monterey Formation is a rock stratigraphic unit, as it tends to consistently comprise the same gravel and sand…
Petrogenic Gas Petrogenic Gas: In geology, petrogenic gas refers to natural gas that is the byproduct of the thermal decomposition of biological and organic matter. In fact, this is the same process that results in the geological formation of petroleum underground. For instance, methane soil gas hazards in Los Angeles Methane Zones are typically resulting…