Sand Boil
A “Sand Boil” is a cone-shaped deposit of sand that is formed during an earthquake. A Sand Boil occurs when subsurface sand layers liquefy and are then blown to the surface through cracks.
A “Sand Boil” is a cone-shaped deposit of sand that is formed during an earthquake. A Sand Boil occurs when subsurface sand layers liquefy and are then blown to the surface through cracks.
Active Methane Mitigation Active Methane Mitigation: Active systems refer to the mechanical and electrical components of a methane mitigation system. In fact, the definition of an Active System is available in Methane Code (Ordinance No. 175790). This is a publication by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS). Moreover, further descriptions of an…
Seismic Moment Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Gap-Graded The term “Gap-Graded” is used by geologists, engineers, and soil scientists in the geotechnical engineering field to describe the gradation of a soil sample, specifically when some particle sizes are missing. Aside from being “gap graded,” a soil sample can be described as “well-graded” (also referred to as poorly sorted), or “poorly graded” (or…
Hydraulic Conductivity (K) “Hydraulic Conductivity” (K), in hydrogeology and hydrology, represents the capacity of a porous medium (such as soil) to transmit water, as per Darcy’s Law. To illustrate, the rate at which fluid can move through a permeable medium (such as soil), depends on the properties of that soil (such as intrinsic permeability) and…
Natural Gas Natural Gas: In geology, natural gas means combustible hydrocarbon gas that forms by natural geological or biological processes. To illustrate, natural gas that forms by geological processes is the thermal decomposition of buried organic materials. Whereas natural gas that forms via biological processes entail the microbial decomposition of buried organic material. Natural gas…
Transgression Transgression: In geology, the term transgression is the formation of a specific sequence of sedimentary and metamorphic layers, that are the result of ocean water advancing onto land. To illustrate, when transgression occurs over millions of years, geologists find a layer of sand, overlain by shale, and overlain again by limestone. The opposite of…