Surface-Wave Magnitude
“Surface-Wave Magnitude” is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate using measurements of the amplitude of surface waves.
“Surface-Wave Magnitude” is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate using measurements of the amplitude of surface waves.
Lumber Moisture Content Grade Lumber moisture grading is a manufacturer-provided value of moisture content, for consumers and contractors to use. There are five (5) lumber moisture content designations (S-GRN, S-DRY, KD, MC 15, and HT). Lumber Moisture Grading Lumber grade “S-GRN” stands for “surface green,” which means it is not dry, and has a moisture…
Adsorption “Adsorption” in geology, refers to the attraction and adhesion of the ions or molecules of a solution, onto the surface of a solid.
Geosyncline Geosyncline: In geology, a geosyncline is a large-scale indentation in the Earth’s crust that is filled with sediments. A geosyncline forms due to the gradual sinking of the Earth’s crust, causing sediment from adjacent areas to gather inside. An example of a geosyncline is the Appalachian Mountains.
Effective Size (D10) “Effective Size” (D10) is an engineering geology term. Effective Size represents a diameter that directly corresponds to the percentage, by weight, of grains that equal to 10% on the grain-size diagram. To illustrate, 10% of the soil sample particles are finer-grained, and 90% of the sample particles are coarser than the “effective…
Liquid Limit (LL) “Liquid Limit (LL)” in the field of geological engineering, refers to the upper limit of the “plastic state.” This is a separation of the plastic phase and viscous liquid phase when measuring soil consistency. Mathematically, it is the water content (basing on the percent of dry weight), at which two sections of…
Confined Aquifer Confined Aquifer: In the hydrogeology branch of geology, a confined aquifer is an aquifer that is overlain (and underlain) by a layer of low permeability, such as clay, shale, or silty clay. In fact, the two confining layers contain the storage and flow of groundwater, such that the aquifer maintains hydraulic pressure (or…