Anion: In the fields of chemistry and geochemistry, an anion is a negatively charged ion. The oppositely charged ion is a cation.
Anion: In the fields of chemistry and geochemistry, an anion is a negatively charged ion. The oppositely charged ion is a cation.
What is a Concrete Gravity Dam? A Concrete Gravity Dam is also known as “Gravity Arch Dam,” and is a freshwater-retaining concrete structure that has a wider footing (base) than the top-section. The purpose of a Concrete Gravity Dam is to maintain a low center of gravity, in order to avoid collapsing in the event…
Body-Wave Magnitude Body-Wave Magnitude: A method for determining earthquake size from the amplitude of body waves. The body-wave magnitude focuses on P-waves and S-waves, which travel faster through the Earth’s crust and mantle.
Troposphere Troposphere: The troposphere of a terrestrial planet is the lowest member of the atmosphere. On Earth, the troposphere starts atop the ground surface and terminates roughly 10 kilometers above mean sea level. In fact, geologists understand that most of the Earth’s water vapor (clouds) exists in the troposphere. And the next member of the…
Listric Fault Listric Fault: In the field of geology, a listric fault refers to a fault with a curved fault plane. Most listric faults comprise a steeply dipping section near the surface. But the fault plane becomes increasingly flat with depth. Listric faults can be normal faults or reverse faults.
Mineral Assemblages Mineral Assemblages: In the field of geology and the branch of mineralogy, the term “mineral assembles” means the minerals that compose a rock, including the different kinds and their relative abundance.
Environmental Consultant Environmental Consultant: An environmental consultant is an expert of any profession or field, who focuses their skills and knowledge towards matters that improve the environment. Environmental consultants are typically scientists with expertise in geology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Environmental Consultants Working Towards Environmental Sustainability Environmental consultants generally provide professional services that aim towards…