Twinning Definition
Twinning is the observed intergrowth of multiple crystals in a symmetrical fashion. This term applies to the examination of rock thin sections, in the field of optical mineralogy.
Twinning is the observed intergrowth of multiple crystals in a symmetrical fashion. This term applies to the examination of rock thin sections, in the field of optical mineralogy.
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Underground Storage Tank (UST): An underground storage tank (UST) is a confined container occupying any volume of space within the subsurface, for the purposes of storing liquid. Underground tanks typically support commercial and residential services and have filling ports, ventilation pipes, and connecting product pipelines. Underground storage tanks (USTs) come in different…
Adsorption “Adsorption” in geology, refers to the attraction and adhesion of the ions or molecules of a solution, onto the surface of a solid.
Index Fossil Definition An Index fossil, in the field of paleontology, refers to a fossil that identifies and dates the stratigraphic unit that it is observed to exist in. Index fossils can combine a wide geographic range. And they can really narrow down the classifications of most stratigraphic units.
Liquefaction Liquefaction: Liquefaction is the process by which there is: (1) a sudden and significant decrease of shear resistance in a soil sample (cohesion-less); (2) a sudden (but temporary) increase of the pore-water pressure of a substance; and (3) a solid mass of soil that is transformed into a fluid state mass. In the event…
Hydrogen Sulfide Soil Gas (In Natural Gas) Hydrogen Sulfide: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) soil gas geologically occurs upon the thermal and microbial decomposition of subsurface organic material deposits. It is typically identifiable in biogenic and petrogenic natural gas sources, along with higher concentrations of methane soil gas. Additionally, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, ethane, and isobutane exist within natural…
Lumber Moisture Content Grade Lumber moisture grading is a manufacturer-provided value of moisture content, for consumers and contractors to use. There are five (5) lumber moisture content designations (S-GRN, S-DRY, KD, MC 15, and HT). Lumber Moisture Grading Lumber grade “S-GRN” stands for “surface green,” which means it is not dry, and has a moisture…