Oblique-Slip Fault
Oblique-Slip Fault: In geology, an oblique-slip fault is a fault that moves parallel to the strike or dip of the fault plane.
Oblique-Slip Fault: In geology, an oblique-slip fault is a fault that moves parallel to the strike or dip of the fault plane.
Igneous Rock Definition In the field of geology, the term “Igneous Rock” refers to one of the three major classifications of rock that comprises the earth. As opposed to sedimentary rocks or metamorphic rocks, igneous rock derives from the direct cooling and solidification of magmatic material. Igneous rock comprises a large amount of the planet…
Listric Fault Listric Fault: In the field of geology, a listric fault refers to a fault with a curved fault plane. Most listric faults comprise a steeply dipping section near the surface. But the fault plane becomes increasingly flat with depth. Listric faults can be normal faults or reverse faults.
Well Log (Boring Log) Well Log: A geological well log (or boring log) is a detailed record of subsurface materials encountered during a drilling project. Boring logs, or well logs, are written by a geologist, and describe the physical subsurface characteristics and lithological units encountered during well-plotting. Well logs include information about depth, different formations,…
Trench Dam Trench Dam: Per the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, a trench dam is part of a methane mitigation system. A trench dam is essentially a subsurface barrier that exists within a furrow or ditch, that is adjacent to the foundation of a building in a…
Hydro-Compaction Definition (Hydrocompaction) The term “Hydro-Compaction” or “Hydrocompaction” in engineering geology refers to the process whereby soils collapse upon saturation. Hydrocompaction can also be called “Hydro-Consolidation.”
Engineering Geology or Geological Engineering Engineering Geology: Engineering geology is also referred to as “geological engineering,” and is a branch of geology that relates to the study of earth materials and processes, that are juxtaposed to proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, dams, roads, pipelines, and more. Whereby geologists assess any potential levels of…