Methane Mitigation Soil Gas Pressure Sensor
Methane Mitigation Soil Gas Pressure Sensor: A Methane Mitigation Soil Gas Pressure Sensor is a device that measures and communicates sub-slab soil gas pressure to a methane control panel system. High levels of methane soil gas then trigger the integrated methane alarm system to notify occupants of danger. Much like the process of a methane soil gas test, this sensor records earth-induced pressure, as well as hydrocarbon gas concentrations. In fact, these parameters are necessary for site design level determination, as well as proper methane mitigation.
Methane Mitigation Soil Gas Pressure Sensors are typically part of an active mitigation system. They are set by professional vapor barrier installers, usually above the gravel blanket and methane barrier but below the finished concrete slab. In addition to biogenic and petrogenic natural gas, geologists use these sensors and probes to measure other toxic vapors, such as various volatile organic compounds (VOCs).