Body-Wave Magnitude
Body-Wave Magnitude: A method for determining earthquake size from the amplitude of body waves. The body-wave magnitude focuses on P-waves and S-waves, which travel faster through the Earth’s crust and mantle.
Body-Wave Magnitude: A method for determining earthquake size from the amplitude of body waves. The body-wave magnitude focuses on P-waves and S-waves, which travel faster through the Earth’s crust and mantle.
Methane Soil Gas Methane Soil Gas: In geology, methane soil gas refers to the confinement of CH4 within the interstitial pore spaces of subsurface soils. On Earth and potentially on Mars, methane derives from subsurface pockets of biogenic and petrogenic natural gas. To illustrate, accumulations of buried organic matter decay via microbial or thermal degradation….
Seismology Seismology: (seis·mol·o·gy) a branch of geology and geophysics that relates to earthquakes, including but not limited to their causes, effects, hazards, and mitigation techniques. Seismologists at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) use cutting-edge technology to measure seismic wave properties and geological hazards that trigger them or are triggered by them. In turn, seismology…
Atmosphere Atmosphere: The atmosphere of a terrestrial planet is an outermost series of layers that comprises gaseous phase elements within part of the planet’s gravitational field. For instance, the Earth’s atmosphere exists in the air spaces that are approximately 95 kilometers above the ground surface. And within it, are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere….
Intrusive Rocks In the volcanology branch of geology, intrusive rocks are igneous rocks that form and crystallize under the Earth’s ground surfaces, within other geologic formations. In fact, intrusive rocks form by the process of magma shooting through pre-existing sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic rocks. For instance, a pegmatite dyke or a batholith. On the other…
Hydraulic Conductivity (K) “Hydraulic Conductivity” (K), in hydrogeology and hydrology, represents the capacity of a porous medium (such as soil) to transmit water, as per Darcy’s Law. To illustrate, the rate at which fluid can move through a permeable medium (such as soil), depends on the properties of that soil (such as intrinsic permeability) and…
Diagenesis Diagenesis: In geology, diagenesis refers to the physical and chemical changes of a sedimentary formation when compaction and lithification occur over time.