City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards
The City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards and Plans are a basic tool to help designers prepare a methane mitigation plan for small projects within Methane Zones. However, the standard plans alone aren’t enough to pass for a proper mitigation plan. For example, the standards lack material specifications and site-specific architectural and structural details. As a result, additional design work is still required by a licensed professional on pages 3 through 6. These forms are issued directly from the LADBS, and can guide designers through small-size single-family residential construction projects. In most cases, site-specific methane mitigation plans are required to satisfy the LADBS. Updated April 18, 2024.
Free Download the City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards
To start, users can directly download the Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standard Plans from the LADBS website. In fact, these plans are free of charge and are for independent use. For most slab-on-grade single-family residential projects, there are “complete” LADBS Methane Mitigation Standard Plans in Arch-D size sheets. Alternatively, Geo Forward can prepare custom mitigation plans to achieve plan check approval. In some cases, custom plans may be a requirement by the LADBS. However, as a professional courtesy, Geo Forward also provides users with a list of downloadable links and corresponding images below, that are directly from the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety website (as of February 2021).
Page 1 of 8 (Click to Download)
1 of 8 of the City of LA Methane Mitigation Standard Plan (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Page 2 of 8 (Click to Download)
2 of 8 of the LA Methane Mitigation Standard Plan (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Page 3 of 8 (Click to Download)
3 of 8 of the City Methane Mitigation Standard (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Page 4 of 8 (Click to Download)
4 of 8 of the City of LA Methane Mitigation Standards (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Page 5 of 8 (Click to Download)
5 of 8 of the LADBS Methane Mitigation Standard Plan (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Page 6 of 8 (Click to Download)
6 of 8 of the City of LA Methane Mitigation Standard Plan (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Page 7 of 8 (Click to Download)
7 of 8 of the LA Methane Mitigation Standard Plan (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Page 8 of 8 (Click to Download)
8 of 8 of the LADBS Methane Mitigation Standard Plan (ARCH-D PDF – Link by LADBS)

Download the Simplified Methane Mitigation Standard Plan
For small additions, there are “simplified” City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards and Plans in 8.5″x11″ size sheets. This is LADBS Form IB/P/BC 2014-102. And users may refer to the following LADBS link to download it:
The Reason to Use City of Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standards
The LADBS standard plans are a tool for consumers that aim to cover typical design scenarios within methane zone and methane buffer zone projects. Thus, by using the LADBS Standard Plan and achieving approval at plan check, consumers do not need to hire an outside mitigation plan design consultant. In fact, the use of this template can result in huge savings for the user.
Benefits of Using Standard Methane Mitigation Plans
The Los Angeles Methane Mitigation Standard Plan is in place to assist the layperson with building simple and small-size residential projects. As a result, the plans are made easy and intend to apply for a variety of single-family dwelling projects. Although most residential cases with subterranean levels are likely to require custom plans. Nonetheless, the standard plans simplify the permitting and building process for first-time builders and contractors with slab-on-grade projects. In fact, it’s essentially a do-it-yourself Methane Mitigation System Design and building guide.
Moreover, the standard plan helps to affordably fulfill the methane mitigation requirement of LADBS for small-project builders. All potential results of a methane test report or methane soil gas survey apply to the standard plans. And if the LADBS requires a professional stamp for a specific project, the standard mitigation plan can be economically assembled and certified by the licensed architect or geologist on record.
More Information About Methane Mitigation
The standard plan are a city-wide requirement for development projects and small additions in methane zones and methane buffer zones. For more information about what a methane mitigation plan is or why it’s a requirement, please refer to our primary page about methane mitigation systems for buildings. Alternatively, users can refer to the video below for a brief overview of the methane mitigation process. Lastly, users are welcome to call the Geo Forward offices for assistance with their methane zone construction projects, as well as the LADBS directly.