The term “Consistency” in the fields of engineering geology and geotechnical engineering means the degree of adhesion between soil particles within a sample, that are observed to resist deformation or rupture.
The term “Consistency” in the fields of engineering geology and geotechnical engineering means the degree of adhesion between soil particles within a sample, that are observed to resist deformation or rupture.
Environmental Geology Environmental Geology: (en·vi·ron·men·tal ge·ol·o·gy) a branch of geology that relates to the impact of human activity on Earth, and the pollution of geologic formations, reserves, and resources. Common focus points of environmental geology are contaminated soil, groundwater aquifers, lakes, rivers, and the ocean. Professional geologists assess and remediate contamination plumes in all media,…
Hydraulic Head Hydrualic Head: In the field of hydrogeology, hydrualic Head is a measure of the potential energy of a fluid at any given point in a hydraulic system. It explains the potential energy driving fluid flow by summing the elevation of the fluid and the pressure it exerts.
Geology Geology: Geology is a field of science relating to the earth, including but not limited to the earth’s resources, physical processes, chemical properties, history, and future. Additionally, the science of geology includes the study of other terrestrial planets, such as Mercury, Venus, or Mars. Branches of Geology There are numerous branches of geology that…
“Test” Definition in Paleontology In the field of paleontology, a subsidiary of geology, the term “test” refers to the external hard part of an invertebrate.
Seismology Seismology: (seis·mol·o·gy) a branch of geology and geophysics that relates to earthquakes, including but not limited to their causes, effects, hazards, and mitigation techniques. Seismologists at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) use cutting-edge technology to measure seismic wave properties and geological hazards that trigger them or are triggered by them. In turn, seismology…
Seiche Definition The term “Seiche” in geology refers to a wave-oscillation, that comes from any surface body of water, that is initiated by an earthquake or changes in atmospheric pressure. For instance, the rippling waters of a lake or at the bay of an ocean.