“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
Transmissivity Transmissivity: In geology and hydrogeology, transmissivity (T) represents the capacity of an aquifer to transmit water of the prevailing kinematic viscosity. Formula T=Kb, where b = saturated thickness of the aquifer. Dimensions are gallons per day per foot (gpd/ft) or feet squared per day (ft^2/day).
Environmental Compliance Definition Environmental Compliance: Environmental Compliance is the action and fact by which an individual or business complies with every applicable environmental law, standard, code, policy, and regulation. Environmental Compliance is required for any entity to become a qualifying environmentally sustainable organization and is a priority for public health matters and business ethics. Essentially,…
Thrust Fault Thrust Fault: In the field of geology, a thrust fault is a reverse fault in which the fault plane dipping angle is less than 45 degrees. Thrust faults are dip-slip faults, and can also be listric faults. For instance, the fault underlying the western embankment of the historical St. Francis Dam in Saugus,…
Permeability “Permeability” in engineering geology and geotechnical engineering refers to the property of a soil sample (or porous rock) which relates to transmitting a fluid within. Permeability measures the relative case of flow under unequal pressure. Permeability is calculated using Darcy’s Law.
Silicates Definition In the fields of geology and mineralogy, the term “silicates” refers to compounds whose crystal structure contains SiO4 tetrahedra. Silicates are either isolated or joined to form groups, rings, single or double chains, sheets, or three-dimensional frameworks.
Rock Stratigraphic Unit In the field of geology, a rock stratigraphic unit, or a lithostratigraphic unit, is a geologic formation that is identifiable by a specific lithology, as well as a consistent stratigraphic position. For example, the Monterey Formation is a rock stratigraphic unit, as it tends to consistently comprise the same gravel and sand…