“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
Subsidence “Subsidence” is a geologic condition, in which a localized mass movement occurs, resulting in the downward settlement of the earth over time. When subsidence occurs, the actual ground surface elevation is lower. This occurrence of the ground surface sinking is typically caused by groundwater table and aquifer reductions, by which the soils become more…
Sedimentary Rock Definition In geology, the term “Sedimentary Rock” refers to the classification of rock that is the result of the gradual consolidation and deposition of loose particles of other rock classifications (igneous or metamorphic). Alternatively, sedimentary rocks can also form by the accumulation and precipitation of other natural chemical solutions in a depositional environment….
Mafic Definition In geology, “mafic” is a term that describes an igneous rock that has an abundance of darker color minerals.
Plat Map Definition Plat Map: A plat map provides the metes and bounds of a parcel in a large tract (to scale), as well as the legal land-use rights and limitations. Additionally, it demonstrates locations of streets and public utility easements, as well as ingress and egress easements. And sometimes plat maps provide information about…
Water Table Water Table: In the hydrogeology branch of geology, the water table represents the surface of an unconfined groundwater aquifer, where the hydraulic pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. Additionally, a water table is present in a perched groundwater zone. Although, there is no water table in a confined aquifer.
Permeability “Permeability” in engineering geology and geotechnical engineering refers to the property of a soil sample (or porous rock) which relates to transmitting a fluid within. Permeability measures the relative case of flow under unequal pressure. Permeability is calculated using Darcy’s Law.