“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
“Consolidation” in geology refers to the gradual or slow reduction in the volume of a soil sample (representing a larger soil mass), and the increase in density in response to an applied increasing load, or compressive stress.
Design Methane Concentration Design Methane Concentration: In accordance with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, a Design Methane Concentration is the highest recorded concentration of methane soil gas detected during the course of methane testing on a property. The Design Methane Concentration is what defines the level of…
Degree of Saturation (SR) “Degree of Saturation” (SR) is an engineering geology term and refers to the ratio of the volume of water to the total volume of void space. The Degree of Saturation or SR-value ranges from 0% to 100% (0% being completely dry, and 100% being fully saturated). Degree of Saturation Formula Degree…
Lithosphere Lithosphere: The lithosphere comprises the Earth’s crust as well as part of the upper mantle. In fact, the lithosphere is approximately 100 kilometers thick and is relatively strong as compared to the underlying asthenosphere.
Hydrogen Sulfide Soil Gas (In Natural Gas) Hydrogen Sulfide: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) soil gas geologically occurs upon the thermal and microbial decomposition of subsurface organic material deposits. It is typically identifiable in biogenic and petrogenic natural gas sources, along with higher concentrations of methane soil gas. Additionally, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, ethane, and isobutane exist within natural…
Body-Wave Magnitude Body-Wave Magnitude: A method for determining earthquake size from the amplitude of body waves. The body-wave magnitude focuses on P-waves and S-waves, which travel faster through the Earth’s crust and mantle.
Volcanic Rock (Igneous) Definition A “Volcanic Rock” is an igneous rock that is finely crystalline and glassy (or aphanitic). To illustrate, volcanic rocks result from volcanic action at the earth’s surface. Typically, this also includes igneous intrusions that are “near-surface,” which may otherwise be considered plutonic. This action results in a final rock that is…