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Environmental Geology
Environmental Geology Environmental Geology: (en·vi·ron·men·tal ge·ol·o·gy) a branch of geology that relates to the impact of human activity on Earth, and the pollution of geologic formations, reserves, and resources. Common focus points of environmental geology are contaminated soil, groundwater aquifers, lakes, rivers, and the ocean. Professional geologists assess and remediate contamination plumes in all media,…
Poorly Graded
Poorly Graded Soil Poorly Graded: In the soil classification process of geology, poorly graded soil represents a sedimentary soil sample that only displays one or a few of the numerous other possible grain sizes for that soil classification, in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). For example, a poorly graded sand (SP) may…
Liquefaction Liquefaction: Liquefaction is the process by which there is: (1) a sudden and significant decrease of shear resistance in a soil sample (cohesion-less); (2) a sudden (but temporary) increase of the pore-water pressure of a substance; and (3) a solid mass of soil that is transformed into a fluid state mass. In the event…
Darcy’s Law
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Transmissivity Transmissivity: In geology and hydrogeology, transmissivity (T) represents the capacity of an aquifer to transmit water of the prevailing kinematic viscosity. Formula T=Kb, where b = saturated thickness of the aquifer. Dimensions are gallons per day per foot (gpd/ft) or feet squared per day (ft^2/day).
Phaneritic Definition In geology, the term Phaneritic applies to the texture of an igneous rock. A phaneritic plutonic rock has grains that are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. In fact, this indicates there was a slower rate of magmatic cooling.