Diagenesis: In geology, diagenesis refers to the physical and chemical changes of a sedimentary formation when compaction and lithification occur over time.
Diagenesis: In geology, diagenesis refers to the physical and chemical changes of a sedimentary formation when compaction and lithification occur over time.
Moment Magnitude (M) Moment Magnitude (M): In the seismology branch of geology, moment magnitude is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate by using the Seismic Moment.
Subsidence “Subsidence” is a geologic condition, in which a localized mass movement occurs, resulting in the downward settlement of the earth over time. When subsidence occurs, the actual ground surface elevation is lower. This occurrence of the ground surface sinking is typically caused by groundwater table and aquifer reductions, by which the soils become more…
Perforated Horizontal Pipe in Methane Mitigation Perforated Horizontal Pipe: As per the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, a perforated horizontal pipe is a PVC or ABS pipe that contains a series of small holes or narrow openings placed equidistantly along the length of the pipe, and is…
Direct Shear Test A Direct Shear Test is a geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure that measures the shear strength value of a soil sample.
Dry Density (ρd) “Dry Density” (ρd) is a value that represents the density of soil when it is completely dry. To illustrate, it equates to (“bulk density” / 1) + “water content.” This is a common geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure. Dry Density Formula Dry Density = [(Bulk Density ÷ 1) + (Water Content)]
Liquid Limit (LL) “Liquid Limit (LL)” in the field of geological engineering, refers to the upper limit of the “plastic state.” This is a separation of the plastic phase and viscous liquid phase when measuring soil consistency. Mathematically, it is the water content (basing on the percent of dry weight), at which two sections of…