Direct Shear Test
A Direct Shear Test is a geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure that measures the shear strength value of a soil sample.
A Direct Shear Test is a geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure that measures the shear strength value of a soil sample.
Hydro-Geology (Hydrogeology) Hydro-Geology (Hydrogeology): Hydrogeology is a branch of geology that relates to the study of the earth’s natural groundwater and surface water systems. Whereby geologists study the physical and chemical properties of unconfined aquifers, confined aquifers, river systems, lake beds, oceanwater, natural geysers, and more.
Reverse Fault Reverse Fault: In the field of geology, a reverse fault is a dip-slip fault in which the hanging wall moves upwards, relative to the footwall. The average dipping angle of a reverse fault ranges from 45 to 90 degrees. However, if less than 45 degrees, it becomes a “thrust fault.” Reverse faults are…
Aphanitic Definition Aphanitic: In geology, the term aphanitic describes the texture of plutonic or volcanic igneous rocks, with grains that are not visible to the naked eye. In fact, an aphanitic texture is usually the result of faster cooling and solidification of liquid magma.
Troposphere Troposphere: The troposphere of a terrestrial planet is the lowest member of the atmosphere. On Earth, the troposphere starts atop the ground surface and terminates roughly 10 kilometers above mean sea level. In fact, geologists understand that most of the Earth’s water vapor (clouds) exists in the troposphere. And the next member of the…
Dilatancy “Dilatancy” is the increase in the bulk volume of a soil substance during deformation. Dilatancy is caused by the change from a close-pack structure to an open-pack structure.
Seiche Definition The term “Seiche” in geology refers to a wave-oscillation, that comes from any surface body of water, that is initiated by an earthquake or changes in atmospheric pressure. For instance, the rippling waters of a lake or at the bay of an ocean.