Hydro-Compaction Definition (Hydrocompaction)
The term “Hydro-Compaction” or “Hydrocompaction” in engineering geology refers to the process whereby soils collapse upon saturation. Hydrocompaction can also be called “Hydro-Consolidation.”
The term “Hydro-Compaction” or “Hydrocompaction” in engineering geology refers to the process whereby soils collapse upon saturation. Hydrocompaction can also be called “Hydro-Consolidation.”
Geosyncline Geosyncline: In geology, a geosyncline is a large-scale indentation in the Earth’s crust that is filled with sediments. A geosyncline forms due to the gradual sinking of the Earth’s crust, causing sediment from adjacent areas to gather inside. An example of a geosyncline is the Appalachian Mountains.
Soil Creep Definition Soil Creep is a type of landslide that entails the slow and gradual movement of a soil mass (or even some loose rock) materials.
Unconfined Aquifer Unconfined Aquifer: In the hydrogeology branch of geology, an unconfined aquifer is an aquifer that has a water table. In fact, an unconfined aquifer can only be the uppermost hydrogeologic unit and is particularly one that has no hydraulic head (or pressure) that is equal to atmospheric pressure. To illustrate, depth to groundwater…
Retaining Wall Retaining Wall: A structure that provides the support needed to hold (in place) a mass of earth, preventing it from moving downhill. Retaining walls are relatively rigid structures comprising footings and a drainage system, in order to retain the soils between two different elevations. Updated May 25, 2020. Construction & Design A lot…
Time Stratigraphic Unit Definition A Time Stratigraphic Unit, or a Chronostratigraphic Unit, is a rock unit that is characterized by geological formations, during a specific period of time. This serves as a reference for all rocks formed during the same time period.
Unobstructed Opening Definition in Methane Mitigation Unobstructed Opening: Per the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, an unobstructed opening is a permanent clearance or gap in the walls, floors, or ceiling of a structure, to allow for direct fresh airflow. In methane mitigation plan applications, this does not…