Lithosphere: The lithosphere comprises the Earth’s crust as well as part of the upper mantle. In fact, the lithosphere is approximately 100 kilometers thick and is relatively strong as compared to the underlying asthenosphere.
Lithosphere: The lithosphere comprises the Earth’s crust as well as part of the upper mantle. In fact, the lithosphere is approximately 100 kilometers thick and is relatively strong as compared to the underlying asthenosphere.
Seiche Definition The term “Seiche” in geology refers to a wave-oscillation, that comes from any surface body of water, that is initiated by an earthquake or changes in atmospheric pressure. For instance, the rippling waters of a lake or at the bay of an ocean.
Licensed Professional Geologist A “Licensed Professional Geologist” or a “Certified Professional Geologist” is a person who is certified by a State and/or Federal agency (such as the California Department of Consumer Affairs, Board for Professional Engineers, Geologists & Land Surveyors), and has proven be educated, formally trained and professionally competent per government standards, to practice…
Type Section Geologic Definition In geology, the term “type section” refers to a specific stratigraphic unit, that can be compared to other parts of the geologic unit. For a type section, it’s preferred to describe the location where the geologic unit has the maximum thickness, and where the top and bottom units are observable.
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs): Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) are highly toxic human-engineered chlorinated hydrocarbons that have been used around the world as enhancers to hydraulic oil and electrical insulators. PCBs were applied for maintaining low flammability rates, high boiling points, and stronger chemical stability. As of 1979, PCBs have been banned from use in…
Triggered Creep In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Volatile Organic Compounds are toxic organic chemicals with higher tendencies to change from liquid to vapor phase under typical earth pressures and temperatures, and usually have little-to-no water solubility characteristics. VOCs are commonly found within hydrocarbon-based fuel additives, industrial solvents, refrigerants, hydraulic fluids, degreasers, and more. These…