Lithosphere: The lithosphere comprises the Earth’s crust as well as part of the upper mantle. In fact, the lithosphere is approximately 100 kilometers thick and is relatively strong as compared to the underlying asthenosphere.
Lithosphere: The lithosphere comprises the Earth’s crust as well as part of the upper mantle. In fact, the lithosphere is approximately 100 kilometers thick and is relatively strong as compared to the underlying asthenosphere.
Tsunami Tsunami: In the seismology branch of geology, a tsunami is an oceanic wave (gravitational) that is produced by seismic activity on the ocean floor. Common triggers of tsunamis are large-scale short duration earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or other submarine earth movements such as subsidence and slope failure.
Adsorption “Adsorption” in geology, refers to the attraction and adhesion of the ions or molecules of a solution, onto the surface of a solid.
Design Methane Pressure (Soil Formation Pressure) Design Methane Pressure or Soil Formation Pressure: As per the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, Design Methane Pressure means the highest observed measurement of soil formation pressure during the methane testing process. In fact, a Design Methane Pressure measurement that is…
Settlement Definition In the field of geology, The term settlement means a gradual downward movement of the ground surface. This is generally due to soil compression at on a larger scale, atdepths that are below the ground surface.
“Toe” of a Slope Definition The “toe” of a slope is essentially the bottom, or baseline section, of the soil mass comprising the slope. It is also defined as the outermost margin of displaced material during a landslide. The toe of a slope is farthest away from the head scarp.
Intrusive Rocks In the volcanology branch of geology, intrusive rocks are igneous rocks that form and crystallize under the Earth’s ground surfaces, within other geologic formations. In fact, intrusive rocks form by the process of magma shooting through pre-existing sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic rocks. For instance, a pegmatite dyke or a batholith. On the other…