Moment Magnitude (M)
Moment Magnitude (M): In the seismology branch of geology, moment magnitude is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate by using the Seismic Moment.
Moment Magnitude (M): In the seismology branch of geology, moment magnitude is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate by using the Seismic Moment.
Connate Water Definition Connate Water: In geology, connate water is groundwater that has been trapped within the pore space of a sedimentary rock since its original deposition. Connate water is also referred to as “fossil water” due to a long history of non-exposure.
Retaining Wall Retaining Wall: A structure that provides the support needed to hold (in place) a mass of earth, preventing it from moving downhill. Retaining walls are relatively rigid structures comprising footings and a drainage system, in order to retain the soils between two different elevations. Updated May 25, 2020. Construction & Design A lot…
Hydrogen Sulfide Soil Gas (In Natural Gas) Hydrogen Sulfide: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) soil gas geologically occurs upon the thermal and microbial decomposition of subsurface organic material deposits. It is typically identifiable in biogenic and petrogenic natural gas sources, along with higher concentrations of methane soil gas. Additionally, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, ethane, and isobutane exist within natural…
Surface-Wave Magnitude “Surface-Wave Magnitude” is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate using measurements of the amplitude of surface waves.
Juvenile Water Juvenile Water: In geology, juvenile water is water derived directly from magma, introduced into the Earth’s surface through geological processes such as magmatic and volcanic activity. Since juvenile water is derived from Earth’s center, its characteristics, are associated with higher temperatures and pressures.
Settlement Definition In the field of geology, The term settlement means a gradual downward movement of the ground surface. This is generally due to soil compression at on a larger scale, atdepths that are below the ground surface.