Perched Groundwater
Perched Groundwater – In geology, “perched groundwater” refers to unconfined groundwater which separates from an underlying body of groundwater by an unsaturated zone or vadose zone.
Perched Groundwater – In geology, “perched groundwater” refers to unconfined groundwater which separates from an underlying body of groundwater by an unsaturated zone or vadose zone.
Rock Stratigraphic Unit In the field of geology, a rock stratigraphic unit, or a lithostratigraphic unit, is a geologic formation that is identifiable by a specific lithology, as well as a consistent stratigraphic position. For example, the Monterey Formation is a rock stratigraphic unit, as it tends to consistently comprise the same gravel and sand…
Natural Gas Natural Gas: In geology, natural gas means combustible hydrocarbon gas that forms by natural geological or biological processes. To illustrate, natural gas that forms by geological processes is the thermal decomposition of buried organic materials. Whereas natural gas that forms via biological processes entail the microbial decomposition of buried organic material. Natural gas…
Hydro-Compaction Definition (Hydrocompaction) The term “Hydro-Compaction” or “Hydrocompaction” in engineering geology refers to the process whereby soils collapse upon saturation. Hydrocompaction can also be called “Hydro-Consolidation.”
Cation Cation: In the fields of chemistry and geochemistry, a cation is a positively charged ion. The oppositely charged ion is an anion.
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Underground Storage Tank (UST): An underground storage tank (UST) is a confined container occupying any volume of space within the subsurface, for the purposes of storing liquid. Underground tanks typically support commercial and residential services and have filling ports, ventilation pipes, and connecting product pipelines. Underground storage tanks (USTs) come in different…
Troposphere Troposphere: The troposphere of a terrestrial planet is the lowest member of the atmosphere. On Earth, the troposphere starts atop the ground surface and terminates roughly 10 kilometers above mean sea level. In fact, geologists understand that most of the Earth’s water vapor (clouds) exists in the troposphere. And the next member of the…