Provenance: In the field of geology, and the branch of geomorphology, the term “provenance” means the place of origin from which the constituent materials of sedimentary rock or facies are derived.
Provenance: In the field of geology, and the branch of geomorphology, the term “provenance” means the place of origin from which the constituent materials of sedimentary rock or facies are derived.
Methane Soil Gas Methane Soil Gas: In geology, methane soil gas refers to the confinement of CH4 within the interstitial pore spaces of subsurface soils. On Earth and potentially on Mars, methane derives from subsurface pockets of biogenic and petrogenic natural gas. To illustrate, accumulations of buried organic matter decay via microbial or thermal degradation….
Runoff (R) The term “Runoff” (R) in hydrogeology and geology refers to the part of rainfall which accumulates on the ground surface and naturally forms into flowing streams.
Anion Anion: In the fields of chemistry and geochemistry, an anion is a negatively charged ion. The oppositely charged ion is a cation.
Impervious Membrane in Methane Mitigation Impervious Membrane: In accordance with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, an impervious membrane is a continuous methane gas barrier. It is a crucial part of the methane mitigation processĀ and underlies a building to impede the vapor intrusion of methane soil gas….
Retaining Wall Retaining Wall: A structure that provides the support needed to hold (in place) a mass of earth, preventing it from moving downhill. Retaining walls are relatively rigid structures comprising footings and a drainage system, in order to retain the soils between two different elevations. Updated May 25, 2020. Construction & Design A lot…
Surface-Wave Magnitude “Surface-Wave Magnitude” is the magnitude of an earthquake that scientists estimate using measurements of the amplitude of surface waves.