Provenance: In the field of geology, and the branch of geomorphology, the term “provenance” means the place of origin from which the constituent materials of sedimentary rock or facies are derived.
Provenance: In the field of geology, and the branch of geomorphology, the term “provenance” means the place of origin from which the constituent materials of sedimentary rock or facies are derived.
Plat Map Definition Plat Map: A plat map provides the metes and bounds of a parcel in a large tract (to scale), as well as the legal land-use rights and limitations. Additionally, it demonstrates locations of streets and public utility easements, as well as ingress and egress easements. And sometimes plat maps provide information about…
Reverse Fault Reverse Fault: In the field of geology, a reverse fault is a dip-slip fault in which the hanging wall moves upwards, relative to the footwall. The average dipping angle of a reverse fault ranges from 45 to 90 degrees. However, if less than 45 degrees, it becomes a “thrust fault.” Reverse faults are…
Volcanic Rock (Igneous) Definition A “Volcanic Rock” is an igneous rock that is finely crystalline and glassy (or aphanitic). To illustrate, volcanic rocks result from volcanic action at the earth’s surface. Typically, this also includes igneous intrusions that are “near-surface,” which may otherwise be considered plutonic. This action results in a final rock that is…
Control Panel in a Methane Mitigation System Control Panel of a Methane Mitigation System: A methane mitigation control panel is the brain behind the active mitigation system. In accordance with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, a control panel synchronizes methane alarm units with sensors and the…
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Volatile Organic Compounds are toxic organic chemicals with higher tendencies to change from liquid to vapor phase under typical earth pressures and temperatures, and usually have little-to-no water solubility characteristics. VOCs are commonly found within hydrocarbon-based fuel additives, industrial solvents, refrigerants, hydraulic fluids, degreasers, and more. These…
Type Section Geologic Definition In geology, the term “type section” refers to a specific stratigraphic unit, that can be compared to other parts of the geologic unit. For a type section, it’s preferred to describe the location where the geologic unit has the maximum thickness, and where the top and bottom units are observable.