Recurrence Interval Meaning
In the field of geology, the term “Recurrence Interval” refers to the average time interval that occurs between two recorded events of seismic activity, of equal magnitude, along the same fault.
In the field of geology, the term “Recurrence Interval” refers to the average time interval that occurs between two recorded events of seismic activity, of equal magnitude, along the same fault.
Contact Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism – Metamorphism is associated with the intrusion of an igneous mass. Metamorphic changes are caused principally by heat, but also by magma composition and deformation related to the intrusion. Pressures are relatively low (<3000 bars) while temperatures range from 200°C to 1000°C.
Environmental Consultant Environmental Consultant: An environmental consultant is an expert of any profession or field, who focuses their skills and knowledge towards matters that improve the environment. Environmental consultants are typically scientists with expertise in geology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Environmental Consultants Working Towards Environmental Sustainability Environmental consultants generally provide professional services that aim towards…
Regional Metamorphism Regional Metamorphism: Metamorphism acts over large areas resulting from applied pressures of 3,000 to 10,000 bars and temperatures of 400°C to 800°C. Regional metamorphism is also referred to as dynamothermal metamorphism.
Direct Shear Test A Direct Shear Test is a geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure that measures the shear strength value of a soil sample.
Seismic Moment Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Triggered Creep In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.