Seismic Moment
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Environmental Consultant Environmental Consultant: An environmental consultant is an expert of any profession or field, who focuses their skills and knowledge towards matters that improve the environment. Environmental consultants are typically scientists with expertise in geology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Environmental Consultants Working Towards Environmental Sustainability Environmental consultants generally provide professional services that aim towards…
Water Table Water Table: In the hydrogeology branch of geology, the water table represents the surface of an unconfined groundwater aquifer, where the hydraulic pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. Additionally, a water table is present in a perched groundwater zone. Although, there is no water table in a confined aquifer.
Asthenosphere Asthenosphere: The asthenosphere underlies the lithosphere. The Asthenosphere comprises the upper mantle, where isostatic adjustments are made, and where magma is generated. It is also in this part of the earth, where seismic waves strongly attenuate.
Wing Dam or Wing Dike A “Wing Dam” or “Wing Dike” refers to a dam that intentionally retains a fraction of the width of a flowing water source. Unlike a conventional dam, a wind dam aims to divert the path of water flow. Additionally, a wing dike can control the velocity of water flow. For…
Feldspars Feldspars: In the field of geology, and the branch of mineralogy, feldspars are a mineral group, that is the most common amongst the earth’s crust. In fact, there are two types of feldspars: plagioclase feldspar and orthoclase feldspar.
Engineering Geology or Geological Engineering Engineering Geology: Engineering geology is also referred to as “geological engineering,” and is a branch of geology that relates to the study of earth materials and processes, that are juxtaposed to proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, dams, roads, pipelines, and more. Whereby geologists assess any potential levels of…