Seismic Moment
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
Seismic Moment: In the seismology branch of geology, seismic moment represents a measure of the size of an earthquake, depending on the area of rupture, the rigidity of the rock, and the amount of slip from faulting.
“Toe” of a Slope Definition The “toe” of a slope is essentially the bottom, or baseline section, of the soil mass comprising the slope. It is also defined as the outermost margin of displaced material during a landslide. The toe of a slope is farthest away from the head scarp.
Contact Metamorphism Contact Metamorphism – Metamorphism is associated with the intrusion of an igneous mass. Metamorphic changes are caused principally by heat, but also by magma composition and deformation related to the intrusion. Pressures are relatively low (<3000 bars) while temperatures range from 200°C to 1000°C.
Natural Gas Natural Gas: In geology, natural gas means combustible hydrocarbon gas that forms by natural geological or biological processes. To illustrate, natural gas that forms by geological processes is the thermal decomposition of buried organic materials. Whereas natural gas that forms via biological processes entail the microbial decomposition of buried organic material. Natural gas…
Focus (Hypocenter) Focus (Hypocenter): In the seismology branch of geology, a focus, or hypocenter, refers to the specific place where an earthquake rupture originates. The focus, or hypocenter, underlies the epicenter when an earthquake occurs at a dip-slip fault, strike-slip fault, oblique-slip fault, or listric fault. In the event of an earthquake, geologists, and seismologists…
Vapor Intrusion Vapor Intrusion occurs when harmful soil contamination changes phase from liquid to vapor underground and moves upward through geologic layers and building foundations, accumulating within indoor air.
Oblique-Slip Fault Oblique-Slip Fault: In geology, an oblique-slip fault is a fault that moves parallel to the strike or dip of the fault plane.