Triggered Creep
In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.
In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.
Liquefaction Liquefaction: Liquefaction is the process by which there is: (1) a sudden and significant decrease of shear resistance in a soil sample (cohesion-less); (2) a sudden (but temporary) increase of the pore-water pressure of a substance; and (3) a solid mass of soil that is transformed into a fluid state mass. In the event…
Troposphere Troposphere: The troposphere of a terrestrial planet is the lowest member of the atmosphere. On Earth, the troposphere starts atop the ground surface and terminates roughly 10 kilometers above mean sea level. In fact, geologists understand that most of the Earth’s water vapor (clouds) exists in the troposphere. And the next member of the…
Environmental Consultant Environmental Consultant: An environmental consultant is an expert of any profession or field, who focuses their skills and knowledge towards matters that improve the environment. Environmental consultants are typically scientists with expertise in geology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Environmental Consultants Working Towards Environmental Sustainability Environmental consultants generally provide professional services that aim towards…
Environmental Professional Definition Environmental Professional: As per the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiries Rule, an environmental professional is an environmental consultant that has an accredited education in earth or natural science, at least five years of formal training under another environmental professional, a professional state license, and maintains expert knowledge in the environmental geology, sustainability, and…
Connate Water Definition Connate Water: In geology, connate water is groundwater that has been trapped within the pore space of a sedimentary rock since its original deposition. Connate water is also referred to as “fossil water” due to a long history of non-exposure.
Provenance Provenance: In the field of geology, and the branch of geomorphology, the term “provenance” means the place of origin from which the constituent materials of sedimentary rock or facies are derived.