Triggered Creep
In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.
In the field of geology, the term “Triggered Creep” refers to a type of creeping landslide, usually along a fault line, that is triggered by a source of seismic activity.
What is a Concrete Gravity Dam? A Concrete Gravity Dam is also known as “Gravity Arch Dam,” and is a freshwater-retaining concrete structure that has a wider footing (base) than the top-section. The purpose of a Concrete Gravity Dam is to maintain a low center of gravity, in order to avoid collapsing in the event…
Facies Facies: In the field of geology, the term “facies” represents a mappable, areally restricted part of a rock body that has different fossils or lithology from other contiguous beds deposited at the same time.
Methane Alarm System Methane Alarm System: As per the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, a methane alarm system is part of an active methane mitigation plan. A methane alarm system is a group of interacting components and circuits that synchronize to monitor and annunciate the status of…
Adsorption “Adsorption” in geology, refers to the attraction and adhesion of the ions or molecules of a solution, onto the surface of a solid.
Critical Void Ratio The “Critical Void Ratio,” in soil science and geology, represents the final void ratio of a soil sample, at ultimate strength. And Critical Void Ratio is achieved by the loose and dense samples of the same soil post-shearing.
Hooke’s Law “Hooke’s Law” is a geological statement relating to the elastic deformation of rocks. Hooke’s Law states the strain of an earth-material is linearly proportional to the applied stress.