Twinning Definition
Twinning is the observed intergrowth of multiple crystals in a symmetrical fashion. This term applies to the examination of rock thin sections, in the field of optical mineralogy.
Twinning is the observed intergrowth of multiple crystals in a symmetrical fashion. This term applies to the examination of rock thin sections, in the field of optical mineralogy.
Growth Fault Growth Fault: In geology, a growth fault is a strike-slip fault or dip-slip fault that moves contemporaneously with deposition. This causes the throw (amount of vertical displacement) to increase with depth and the strata to be thicker on the downthrown side as compared to the upthrown side.
Natural Gas Natural Gas: In geology, natural gas means combustible hydrocarbon gas that forms by natural geological or biological processes. To illustrate, natural gas that forms by geological processes is the thermal decomposition of buried organic materials. Whereas natural gas that forms via biological processes entail the microbial decomposition of buried organic material. Natural gas…
Feldspars Feldspars: In the field of geology, and the branch of mineralogy, feldspars are a mineral group, that is the most common amongst the earth’s crust. In fact, there are two types of feldspars: plagioclase feldspar and orthoclase feldspar.
Direct Shear Test A Direct Shear Test is a geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure that measures the shear strength value of a soil sample.
Active Methane Mitigation Active Methane Mitigation: Active systems refer to the mechanical and electrical components of a methane mitigation system. In fact, the definition of an Active System is available in Methane Code (Ordinance No. 175790). This is a publication by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS). Moreover, further descriptions of an…
Passive Methane Mitigation Passive Methane Mitigation: Passive systems refer to the non-mechanical and non-electric components of the methane mitigation process. These components remove the vapor intrusion risks of methane soil gas migration into buildings atop Los Angeles Methane Zones and Methane Buffer Zones. In fact, methane testing results typically indicate the necessity for a passive…