Ultramafic Definition
In the study of geology, the term “ultramafic” refers to an igneous rock that comprises up to 90% mafic minerals, or more.
In the study of geology, the term “ultramafic” refers to an igneous rock that comprises up to 90% mafic minerals, or more.
Mechanical Extraction System Mechanical Extraction System: Per the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Methane Code, Ordinance Number 175790, a Mechanical Extraction System is one of the Active Methane Mitigation criteria for methane mitigation systems in buffer zones and methane zones. A mechanical extraction system uses machines that remove methane gas from below…
Direct Shear Test A Direct Shear Test is a geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure that measures the shear strength value of a soil sample.
Runoff (R) The term “Runoff” (R) in hydrogeology and geology refers to the part of rainfall which accumulates on the ground surface and naturally forms into flowing streams.
Seismology Seismology: (seis·mol·o·gy) a branch of geology and geophysics that relates to earthquakes, including but not limited to their causes, effects, hazards, and mitigation techniques. Seismologists at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) use cutting-edge technology to measure seismic wave properties and geological hazards that trigger them or are triggered by them. In turn, seismology…
Mineraloid Definition The term “mineraloid” refers to a natural earth substance that appears to be similar to a genuine mineral, although lacks any form of internal structure and crystal form. Nonetheless, a mineraloid does comprise true minerals within it. For instance, Fire Opal and Blue Opal are not minerals because they are amorphous (do not…
Tsunami Tsunami: In the seismology branch of geology, a tsunami is an oceanic wave (gravitational) that is produced by seismic activity on the ocean floor. Common triggers of tsunamis are large-scale short duration earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or other submarine earth movements such as subsidence and slope failure.