Vapor Intrusion
Vapor Intrusion occurs when harmful soil contamination changes phase from liquid to vapor underground and moves upward through geologic layers and building foundations, accumulating within indoor air.
Vapor Intrusion occurs when harmful soil contamination changes phase from liquid to vapor underground and moves upward through geologic layers and building foundations, accumulating within indoor air.
Liquid Limit (LL) “Liquid Limit (LL)” in the field of geological engineering, refers to the upper limit of the “plastic state.” This is a separation of the plastic phase and viscous liquid phase when measuring soil consistency. Mathematically, it is the water content (basing on the percent of dry weight), at which two sections of…
Runoff (R) The term “Runoff” (R) in hydrogeology and geology refers to the part of rainfall which accumulates on the ground surface and naturally forms into flowing streams.
Critical Void Ratio The “Critical Void Ratio,” in soil science and geology, represents the final void ratio of a soil sample, at ultimate strength. And Critical Void Ratio is achieved by the loose and dense samples of the same soil post-shearing.
Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act: The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act is a law that assists geologists to define “active faults” versus “potentially active faults.” The process entails using the same aging criteria as the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the California Geological Survey (CGS). In fact, California policy requires…
What is an Embankment Dam? An Embankment Dam is a freshwater-retaining structure comprising excavated rock, soil, or a combination of rock and soil from nearby geological formations. In fact, Embankment Dams are known as an “Earthfill Dam” when filled with soil, and a “Rockfill Dam” when filled with rocks. Earthfill Dams are most common. The…
Dry Density (ρd) “Dry Density” (ρd) is a value that represents the density of soil when it is completely dry. To illustrate, it equates to (“bulk density” / 1) + “water content.” This is a common geotechnical engineering laboratory procedure. Dry Density Formula Dry Density = [(Bulk Density ÷ 1) + (Water Content)]